Our other big project we wanted to finish was painting the exterior of the house. We started last autumn. Here's the "before" picture - basically white with black shutters...
Here's what it looks like so far. Just one side left to do. I love the earthy colours we picked.
I was in Jack's room this afternoon and I heard a yelp so I looked out of the window and saw Craig smiling sheepishly from the ladder. He was taking one of the shutters down and a bat flew out from behind one. He said it scared him to death!
Next weekend more great weather is forecast so our plan is to finish the kitchen this week then finish the panting next weekend and then that's IT! No more DIY projects till winter. We want to spend the summer having fun with Jack.
He's developing such a great personality, laughing and grinning at everyone. We always get comments about his smile when we go out. Here he is in the shopping cart today at Lowes (DIY shop). Little bugger can now swivel around and stand up, even when he's strapped in.