When I met Craig I tried to make some yellow curtains for our caravan but all I had was blue cotton and I couldn't get the machine off zig-zag so the hems were not only uneven but very funky looking. For years now, whenever I bring up the fact that I'd like to be able to sew, Craig looks at me with raised eyebrows and says "yellow curtains".
It's vitally important that he buy me a simple machine because I seem to remember it took about an hour to thread the cotton around a maze of wires and loops and spools, only to break at the very end, or get jammed as it came through the hole and I'd have to start the whole sorry process again. That kind of thing might put me off, being as impatient as I am.
YOU CAN DO IT! I agree that you should get a basic, simple machine that does basic stitches . . . don't worry about appliques and stuff. My sewing machine is NOT a fancy one.
My recommendation would be to check into Sears and see if they still offer a 1-session introductory class with their machines. They did years ago when I bought mine. Let them show you how to work your machine. Take your own machine if it is portable.
I did the class for my Kenmore, and I had sewn for years. When I'm in town, I'll be glad to help you. Emily is a good basic sewer, too.
Good for you. Mine is almost permenantly out on a table in my bedroom although it's not used too often.
Don't forget many of the big craft stores do tons of lessons. Also, the place you end up buying it from will probably offer lessons too. I laughed out loud at you not being able to get it off zig zag. We've all been there!
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