Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Last Soccer Game

It was the last soccer class today and I think overall the whole thing went well. Watching 3-year olds play soccer was somewhat haphazard but it was a good place to take him each week, the weather has really been good and we've made some new friends.

Unfortunately, when we first get there Jack makes me stand with him and clings on to my leg and doesn't really warm up until the class is virtually over. Then he really gets in to it and doesn't want to leave, so I really do wish the classes had been an hour long and not just 30 minutes.

What next? Well swimming I suppose, though I don't relish the thought of getting into a swimsuit right now and our pool is cold. Maybe more soccer as he said he wanted to do it again and it won't involve me getting undressed. 

I ended up becoming quite pally with the math professor, Ian,  from England and he brought his wife Nicola along today. She's from South Africa but lived in England so also speaks with a strong English accent. I was most impressed with Ian when he went in goal and did these really exaggerated slow-motion saves when the kids tried to score. He missed of course and we all cheered as each toddler put one in the net. We said we'll all try and sign up for the next class so the two Jacks can still play together and we can stand on the sidelines and talk about all things English.

It was a bit sad really, saying goodbye at the end and promising to keep it touch but knowing we probably won't. 


M. L. said...

Hi Pam, I bet Jack loves soccer! Thanks for your great comment on my blog - Pleasant Corner is the perfect name for your wonderful home!

Clippy Mat said...

reminds me of when my 2nd boy was signed up for soccer. he spent more time looking up in the sky for planes or down on the ground at the flowers and he would always miss the ball as it hurtled by followed by his whole team.

Pam said...

Hi Michelle, Not sure he knows what soccer is but he likes messing about with the ball and running around!
Hey Clippy, that's hilarious! Our Jack picked the ball up and carried it in the goal and several sour puss parents clicked their tongues. He's 3 people - get a grip!