Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Meet the New Minivan

Here's the new minivan (people carrier) that replaces my little Golf TDI. It a 2005 Saturn Relay 3. It seats 7, has fold-down seats, is all leather and has a DVD player. The boys even have their own Bose headphones, so we can listen to music up front and not have to endure Dora the Explorer!  I'm only 1 week in and completely sold on minivans. No more do I worry about looking like a soccer mom, crashing parking it, or about the extra fuel consumption. I just sit back in my leather, heated captain's chair and cruise along wondering why it took me so long to get one. It makes me want to drive to California and back, which is something we think we might do this summer.   


Emily said...

Welcome to the minivan club! I LOVE your new car!! Jealous of some of the features, I hope we're able to get some of that in our next van (I pretty much assume I'll be driving one for the next 20 years). Love the captain seats that fold down, the leather, built in DVD...nice!

Pam said...

Hey Em - Luuuuurve the minivan. Hope the transmission doesn't blow. ;-)