Monday, September 06, 2010

Bugs, Toys & Great Cabin Pix

We spent Labor Day weekend mooching about at home and at Char & Jan's cabin. It was a bitter sweet cabin visit. Always a treat of course to go there and spend time on the lake but sad that Char and Jan weren't there to enjoy it with. I think we were good guests though, other than breaking a fishing net, stealing a book "I know why the caged bird sings" by Maya Angelou, and robbing their linens & towels (I brought them home to wash).
Here's a few favourite pictures from the last few days ...

A preying mantis in our garden. Some say they bring good luck. All I know is, when it about-turned and scuttled up towards my fingers I dropped that stick with lightening speed and did a rather ridiculous Irish jig.

I love watching them play and not just put WWF moves on each other.

Craig, Jack & Cody enjoying the fabulous weather (70's day, 50's night).

Proper fishing! Not just casting a plastic orange Nemo fish like he's been doing all summer. He caught 3 fish - one baby small-mouthed bass and two sunfish.

Me and Jack by the fire. Danny was zonked out in bed. This is the first time I've worn long sleeves since the end of April I think!

A view of the channel from the fishing point, taken by Craig. The super-bright planet must be Saturn or maybe Jupiter? Craig says it's Uranus. It never gets old does it.

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