Jack's imagination is something that amuses me every day. Today I gave him an old store card and he's signed the back of it and declared that it's his driving license. He jumps on our old lumpy sofa and races through the streets, changing gears and chatting with me, his passenger on his adventures. He's also a teacher at the moment and loves to teach me things. For example, did you know there's a dinosaur called a triposaurus that lives in Ohio that will bite your legs off? He makes me sit at the table like a proper pupil and he also makes me bring him teacher gifts, like an apple. Today I sat and listened while he had long and fascinating conversations with himself in his room. I am in awe of this lad. What a wonderful imaginary world he creates! Yesterday Linda went to check on him after he'd been playing in my bedroom and he'd climbed into one leg of Craig's sweatpants and pulled them up to his chin like a sleeping bag and fallen asleep. I do wish she had had her camera handy for that one.
Danny has turned into the hugger and kisser of the century and jibber-jabbers non stop. Another talkative child! Just what this house needs. Today he made up a song and sang it loud and proud at the dining table. What a character he is. But oh, what do I get him for his birthday in 2 days time? His favourite thing in the world is to play
with us - bowling, soccer, blocks. Basically anything that he can play with us, not on his own. It's hard to think of something we can play together indoors that doesn't involve a board game. Hmmmm.
And lastly, me and Craig are doing great. Just dog tired. We are looking forward to the big birthday celebrations, and we are also going to watch 'Inception" at some point. And I'm 3/4 of the way through Keith Richard's book "Life" and absolutely loving it. I never knew the old pirate was such a talented and funny man.
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