Thursday, May 24, 2012

Talent Show!

This afternoon it was Jack's school talent show (remember, he & his friend are magicians). He wasn't allowed to go to the middle school to perform this morning as magic is a bit hard to hear or see on a big stage, so he was part of the second show at his school this afternoon. When I was at work this morning I got a text from my friend Heather telling me about the middle school performance as her son was doing his fabulous act. She said "Bring tissues". I'm glad she told me that because yes I needed them.

I know I've said this before but I'll say it again.  I LOVE Jack's school. 50% of the population are orthopedically impaired kids in wheelchairs or kids with other difficulties. 25% are lottery kids and 25% are neighbourhood kids. So it's a big mix of kids from all walks of life and all abilities and I just love it.

So anyway, here's Jack &  his friends magic performance. I shrunk this video down to just 54 seconds. I think my boy Jack and his two friends did great, don't you! I know you have no idea what the card trick is about but you get the gist......

After the magic performance they had kids come up and do all kinds of great stuff. I sat there and thought  Every single person on this planet needs to witness this - to sit for one hour and watch kids of all abilities put on a talent show.

Kids were singing a cappella, dancing in pop groups, playing guitar & violin, Irish dancing, break dancing, being Michael Jackson, hula-hooping, and telling jokes.  It was just great.  Towards the end four kids came out in wheelchairs and sang Dynamite (by Taio Cruz)  and everyone swayed their hands in the air and cheered and yes I lost it (so did everyone else I may add!) But it was a happy kind of "lost it" because the kids were just having a fabulous time.  It didn't help that I was sat right opposite the Principal and she's retiring this year after 30 years there. She loves these kids and all it took was a quick glance at her face during a performance and I'd be in bits.  I ended up doing my best to avoid eye contact with her just to be safe.


Well done you lot!

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