Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Fun Weekend

What a fun weekend we just had. There was a field day event at the kids school, a fire in the garden, a  quick jolly jaunt to the local pub with my mate Erika and haircuts for me and the boys.

And I lost weight again at my Weight Watchers weigh-in - 23 lbs total now (Craig has lost 41!)

What a brilliant picture Craig took

He won an opportunity to cream pie his teacher! 

And what a good sport she is!

Jack & his best mate get taken to jail (pic by Heather)

He won a rainbow cake in a jar

Coconut Shy Shenanigans (pic by Heather)

Saturday night fire in the garden. Looks how skinny Craig is! 

New summer haircut

A  pint with a friend is the best therapy on the planet
Summer buzz cuts by Dad

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