Sunday, June 03, 2007

Countdown to First Birthday

Jack's 11 months old today! He's on the verge of walking, has 4 teeth, can say "mama", "dada" and "banana" (favorite food), and can clap his hands & do "high-5" with you. He helped us out today as you can see. Our friend Rhonda's mum was getting rid of bricks so she gave them to us. We loaded up 4 vehicles as there was a couple of hundered of them but it's great - we can now build a patio in the fall. We also got to spend some time with Debbie & Lynn who helped us - they are going on an Alaskan cruise this weekend, lucky devils. They are flying through Canada so worried as Lynn doesn't have her passport yet as the passport office is really behind. Since they brought the law in that says Americans need passports for Canada and Mexico, Lynn said 16 million Americans have ordered them. Yikes! We need to get Jack one asap for our trip to England!

As you can see, Jack still doesn't wear shoes. I probably should start making him wear them but it's so nice to be barefoot in summer! I'll get serious about it when he's walking.

On Friday we found a group of baby rabbits at work - here's one of the little rascals. Ed had nearly mowed over them but saw them just in time. I'm excited about working this summer as I'll be outside more and our good friend, Matt, just got a job running the research facility, so I'll hopefully get to see him & his wife Gina a lot more.

Well, just a few more days now till Craig's mum and dad get here. They are SOOOO excited about seeing Jack. I think they've had their bags packed for a month!

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