Thursday, August 30, 2007

Made in America with British Parts

Tonight we went for dinner at Char & Jan's and our dinner club friends were there. We used to be part of a dinner club group of 10 people but Craig and I bowed out this spring because basically the purpose of dinner is to enjoy cooking and serving glorious food to your friends in a relaxed atmosphere and we felt that having a baby was just not conducive to the dinner club scene. Before you think we've sold our souls to "babydom" hear me out.
Now we have Jack we have a routine and we try really hard not to break it - for his sanity and ours. Basically, if he gets to bed too late he goes bonkers, can't sleep, we don't sleep, dogs and cats don't sleep = whole household full of nutters.
Thankfully all our friends understand when we have to shovel food down in record speed and exit at or before 8pm. Tonight Jack grabbed the table cloth and did the "da-da" trick. Unfortunately, the table cloth did not miraculously come out from underneath the tableware - my full wine glass went flying!
Anyway, here's a few pictures from our lovely evening with friends that ended at 8pm ...
In the garden. Jack's main aim was to pick up acorns. After a couple of times of me telling him to give them to me (and not lodge them in his throat) he kept picking them up, looking at them like they were naughty and giving them to me. He's like a little sponge right now - just taking everything in that I say and responding. It's amazing.
Oh, his t-shirt was bought by an English friend of ours. On the back it says: "Made in America with British Parts"

Char - chief cook. Tonight we had chicken & portabello mushrooms, salad & cheesy tatties

Eric - having a smoke and holding his little belly in when I got my camera out. Hey honey - you look gorgeous!

Stephen - my best-dressed friend and one of my favourite people in life. Stephen and I have one big thing in common: our partners love cooking and we really don't. Everyone in the dinner club are great & fanatic cooks but Stephen and I are the two anarchists. We like to taste the food after it's cooked and compliment the chef.

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