Thursday, September 20, 2007

Noteworthy Accomplishments (or not)

Having gone through 38 years of life with minimal child contact I really have no idea what I'm doing as a mum. I have read some books, watched Nanny 911 and I seek the advice of other mums. But that's it.

So I worry sometimes that we're really holding Jack back in what he should be learning at this stage. Should he be learning sign language? piano lessons? singing? WHAT?

So I thought tonight of all the things our lad can do at 14 months old and it started to make me smile. Here's a list of some of my particular favourites:

  • Count, sort of. I say "one", he says "doooo" (see video below)
  • Play the kitchen roll like a trumpet
  • Make the noises of monkeys, cats and polar bears
  • Point to his ear when I ask where his nose is
  • Laugh when he has wind
  • Say "bye" to everyone as loud and often as possible
  • Pick up every single tiny leaf that gets tracked into the house and give it to me with a look on his face that says "clean your house mother!"
It's not exactly an honours roll list of accomplishments but I'm proud of him all the same.


Emily said...

I don't even know what sound a polar bear makes - so he's doing better than I am! I love the secret chair - how cute! We always count to 3 to make Katy go down the slide, so now she sits at the top and goes, "Da...da...deeee!". I think that's counting, don't you?

Pam said...

Emily - a polar bear goes "brrrrrr" because it's cold. Ha! bet you never knew that did you.
I think "da da dee" is very much counting. Katy will be saying supercalifragilisticexpealidocious before you know it.
Give your belly a rub from us :-)