Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bargains, Kids & Footballers Legs

When I went on maternity leave I had "extra" plans to do stuff around the house & garden, namely: (1) build a patio, (2) make new curtains for the basement and (3) paint the living room. I also wanted to spend hours in the garden, toiling away like Gertrude Jekyll while my beautiful baby slept soundly in his pram. Fat chance. I'm over half-way through my leave and not a sausage completed, or even started.

I'm not complaining. I get to spend precious time with my new son and I have picked up a couple of useful habits like cooking and couponing. Talking of which ... I got this little lot ($175 value) for $73 today. I was so pleased when I got the last of the 10 blocks of cheese for $10 at my local supermarket that I had to ring Craig at work and tell him. What a sad woman I am.

Errrm, yes, I know there's a 5-liter box of Vella wine in the picture. I could say we offer that to guests as we drink only the best Chardonnay but that would be an enormous porky.

Anyway, onto more important things ...

Our lad Danny had two milestones this last week - he's started smiling and he slept through the night. Just once. Then I told people and jinxed myself and he hasn't done it since.
He's a big boy - only 8 weeks old tomorrow and already nearly out of 3 month clothes. He is such a sweetheart though and I love him madly.

We took Jack to see some cows this week. One licked his shoe and he hasn't stopped telling me about it.

My mum sent him a Thomas backpack and he won't take it off. Tonight he got into his car and said "mummy, I'm going to shop to get lavilowly (ravioli). I'll be right back".

Craig's had a cold this week but otherwise he's a happy camper. He got his CCW today from the Sheriff's office and it's warm enough now to wear shorts. As soon as he gets home he legs it into the bedroom to get them on and he'll not wear long pants now till the winter. He has lovely footballers legs though so I don't mind. I however have another 30 lb to drop before summer or I'll have to wear a kaftan to work. Eating like a thoroughbred horse for 10 months has done me no favours and very few of my pre-pregnancy clothes fit yet. I did finally retire the maternity jeans though, thank God. Putting those things on 6 weeks after giving birth was a real downer, even if they did allow me to eat 6 puddings.


Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Lovely to hear that Danny is doing so well Pam and isn't it wonderful to see that first smile. What does Jack think of him now be's beginning to do things!

You'll soon find that your weight will start dropping off - you are a busy Mum!

Great post! A x

Pam said...

Hi Anne,
Jack loves him. Calls him "baby daddy" and is excited that they will go to school together. I have to be careful not to leave them alone though as Jack likes to give him toys by dropping them on his head!

Oma Froehle said...

You have beautiful babies!

I heard a guy speak today about how you can eat anything you want and be thin if you make sure it is "real food" and not made out of chemicals. He also said you can eat chocolate and drink wine every day and be thin, too. I think I like his plan better than Weight Watchers. But I can't remember if wine is on Core or not.

P.S. I have hated Chuck E. Cheese for almost 30 years. I don't know how they stay in business.

Pam said...

Hey Kathy, Why thank you! It has to be said that your grand kids are cutie-pies too. One of my friends at work has 0 point WW soups for lunch so she can save her points for wine. I would have to agree with her approach!
30 years of Chuck E? Wow, never thought it had been around that long. Vile vile vile place.