Monday, August 04, 2008

3 Feet of Trouble

Our Jack had his 2-year Docs appointment today. Here are his statistics:

Weight: 29 lbs (50-75 %ile)
Height: 36 inches (90th %ile)
Head size: 49 cm (95th %ile)

So folks, same as last time - a very tall and skinny bugger with a big head.

I did a quick (and very unscientific) height prediction and it said Jack would be 6 ft. 1" at age 21. Great! Now I have someone to clean my windows.

He's doing really well. Progressing fantastically with his verbal skills and potty training and health. The whole time we were there he kept asking the doctor "what's that?" reply "my watch", "what's that?", "my stethoscope", and so on. He wants to know who everyone is and what everything is at the minute.

One thing that did worry me was that they pricked his finger and did a lead test on him. Apparently we live in a zip code renowned for high lead levels in the soil. Oh just fabulous. So my veggie garden that I'm growing organically is possibly pumping my child with lead. And all the gardening we do together, with me trying so hard to make him love my favourite pastime, might be causing him neurological damage. I'll post more on this when I get the results*.

So here he is, the sunshine of our lives, being tickled by his dad and having raspberries blown on his belly. . . .

* Result was "2" and normal range is "below 10". So, he's got a bit of lead in him but not too bad. That's alright then.


Emily said...

They tested Katy for lead at 1 year (we had to go down to Children's for a blood draw - it was AWFUL) because of our house being so old and at the time we were tearing down walls in the kitchen. Not to mention that Katy was crawling at the time, picking up all that dust and putting her hands in her mouth constantly - and she STILL tested within normal limits. So I bet Jack will be fine. Just a precaution, right?

Pam said...

Hey Emily
I hope the outcome is as good as Katy's. I was aware of the soil lead as I deal with soil chemistry a little. That's the reason I haven't grown spinach! I didn't think it was so much of an issue though that my doctor would test for it. I think I'm going to send some soil away to a local lab too.