Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Bit More, But Not Much

Some of you may remember that one of my New Years Eve resolutions was to recycle and it is going swimmingly.

The main trash culprit though, and the one thing that bugs me, is disposable diapers. We go through about 150/month plus TONS of wipes. I'd love to do something like gDiapers for the new baby but they are 3 times as expensive as plastic ones. So come on nappy manufacturers!!! Please develop a biodegradable nappy that doesn't cost a bloody fortune please.

I also read recently about the brave person going without new plastic for a month. Their blog is fascinating and I thought, "you know what? I might try it!" But then you really see just how much plastic you use during the day and you think "Erm, maybe not". Going without cheese slices is one thing but going without my toothbrush is quite another thank you very much.

We really have got a long way to go before we even start being earth friendly haven't we? Especially here in America, where landfill space isn't really at a critical point yet and as we know, people don't tend to address a problem until it becomes a crisis. As many Ohioans will recount, they didn't do anything about the pollution in the Cuyahoga River till it set on fire.

The bottom line is, I'd just like to do a bit more, without breaking the bank (or washing cloth diapers!) - I just need to decide what that "more" is..


Gina B said...

Hi Spammy! have not talked in a while.. i will have to find out from my friend Emily what kind of re-usable nappies she is using for her new little one. seemed expensive at first, but b/c they are reusable, did not seem so bad.. and you can get cute lil colored ones :) i will ask her so you can look into to it.. if you come to the party tomorrow night (happy anniversary if you do not, we understand), she will be here too.

Pam said...

Hey Gina! Re-usable sounds great as long as there's no hand-washing involved. I'm far too lazy.