Monday, July 21, 2008

Fit f' Nowt

As they say in Lancashire, "I'm fit f' nowt at the minute". I'm tired all the time, I keep feeling nauseous and I just feel like crap. Those of you that know me know that it's driving me bonkers to be like this.

I'm an Aries you see - we forge ahead with the determination of an Antarctic explorer, regardless of illness or fatigue. In fact, I have very little patience for either. As my poor husband will testify, I am not exactly Florence Nightingale even when he is genuinely sick. Just this weekend he chopped the very end of his index finger off slicing potatoes and it took me a good hour to admit it was worthy of some fuss.

I also never nap, another thing I know my husband would love to do, given the opportunity. Even when I first had Jack and was on 3-hour feedings I didn't nap. I just can't. Yes, I know I'm supposed to nap and look after myself and rest but I just can't. So on Saturday I was so exhausted I took a 2 hour nap, right in the middle of the afternoon! And last night I went to bed at EIGHT O'CLOCK! Granted, I laid and watched Top Gear but still, I was in bed resting knowing that there was a ton of housework to do.

Craig came in the bedroom and I said "I hope I won't need bedrest - it will turn me into a nutjob", and he said "you already are". Smart arse.

Anyway, enough of my self-involved rubbish. Here's two great pix I took of Jack this weekend.

Firstly, helping me shell our homegrown peas, and then one of him hitting the water. I love to watch him play in his pool in the summer.

He won't be forming these memories yet, but I am.

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