Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Living with Loonies

About 4am this morning I was sleeping soundly, which is a feat these days as Danny dances on my bladder and kicks me in the ribs if I move. I was woken up by someone tickling my cheek affectionately. It was my husband. I whispered "Craig, what on earth are you doing?" and he woke up and replied "Oh, sorry. I was dreaming that Jack gave me a piece of his orange"

Later, I was sat with Jack at the breakfast table, we talked about his friends at daycare. He said "Can I see Dylan and Avery and Chicken today?" so I said "Dylan, Avery and Christian" He said "Yeah, Dylan, Avery and Chicken". So I slowly pronounced "Christian" for him. He looked at me, like I was daft, and replied slowly "yes moma, Chicken". You know, when you say it, it is a hard name to pronouce isn't it? I do hope his mum isn't offended when she hears Jack call him chicken though.


Strawberry Jam Anne said...

I love to hear children's versions of what they hear! My son told me once that he thought for a long time that the words he should sing to "all things bright and beautiful" carried on with "all teachers great and small". Conjured up quite a picture for me - still does.

I'm sure though that his friends mum will understand and see the funny side.

A x

Oma Froehle said...

Pam, this reminds me of Melanie's classmate in first grade . . . she insisted his name was "Awesome." I tried and tried to figure out what she was saying, because I KNEW there was nobody in the class named Awesome. Then I volunteered to be the teacher's helper for the Valentine party. Lo and behold, there was little Assam with his coal black hair and coffee-colored skin and big brown eyes. It was my first lesson in diversity. Assam was from the Middle East! :-)