Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Boxing Day

I miss "Boxing Day". It should be mandatory that everyone takes off work between Christmas and New Year but in the very least we all need Boxing Day (December 26th) off work. Alas, in America, December 26th is "Christmas is over" day. Even the Christmas radio channel stopped playing festive stuff today and went back to golden oldies. Jack announced "Christmas is Over!" and I told him it isn't - we will keep our tree up and celebrate until January 2nd. I'm the opposite of Ebenezer Scrooge. More like Pollyanna. It was nice and Christmassy though to Skype with Craig's family today.

Three big things to report today -

First, we had 4 inches of snow!

Second, Craig and I are sick as DOGS. Head colds and weary bones. Being 43 with flu and two rambunctious boys to entertain has not been a pleasant experience. And that has been such a shame. Our poor lads have had to watch copious amounts of telly when they wanted to go outside and play board games and play with us.

Third, we went to a title agency this afternoon to finalise our re-fi on the house. I can't believe that we decreased our mortgage from 23 to 20 years and I'll save several hundred dollars each month. If I didn't feel so crap I'd party like a teenager. And no mortgage payment now till February. That's fantastic too.

So the boys are in bed now and Craig and I are sat with tissues up each nostril watching telly. We  live the rock star life don't we.

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