Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kids - No Way!

I never ever wanted kids. Told my mum and all that would listen that NO, I would not be swayed. When I met Craig I said know this! I will never have kids! Hate them! I have a career, I'm too busy, want to do too much with my life to get straddled with kids. And he said I never want kids either, and I thought I'd hit the jackpot! Yea! No Kids!

We were married for a fantastic and adventure-laden ten years when my best friend Sue in England told me she was pregnant. I got to meet her son Noah when he was one year old and starting to walk and he was so lovely I could have brought him home with me. Then I got home to Ohio and it stewed in my mind. Looking back, the fact that I had 2 cats, a dog and a huge desire to mother them should have given me a clue ....

So I said to Craig. Erm, I've been thinking. I think I would like to have a baby. And he said Really? Now, Imagine that said in the context of "this car repair is going to cost five thousand dollars", and not "we are going to Disneyland!" And I said yes, really. And he said sigh - okay. Let's do it, if that's what you want. The first month we tried we were in Brooklyn NY, at a hotel next to Halsey Street Station. The second month we tried England football team were through to the semi-finals of the World Cup. So the kid's name could have been Halsey or Rooney. Thank God for fate, huh.

At the end of that 2nd month, I was so excited that I had bought a load of pregnancy testers and was doing one every day that I should have started to be pregnant. I peed on a stick on one of those weekends then took it down to the basement while I did laundry. I kept looking at the stick, and it took about 2 minutes of intensive staring but the line finally formed into a very faint pink.I raced, two at a time, up the stairs and announced "we're pregnant!" and Craig scooped me up and we celebrated.

So here's me and Craig on our wedding day, cutting our cupcake. My best friend Sue, who's son Noah made me love children, is in the background. After this picture, Sue drove us to the airport and me and Craig went skydiving for a week in Spain.
Fantastic times :-)

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