Sunday, November 21, 2010

Play-Dates, Games, & Zoo Lights

I haven't been too good at reading other people's blogs and commenting this weekend, sorry. I will catch up tomorrow I promise. This weekend has been a bit nuts. To start with, we've hosted THREE kiddie play-dates this weekend. Am I Mary Poppins or what.

- The first one went great and Jack & his buddy were so alike it was a breeze. I organized this play-date on the advice of his teacher who had told me these boys were on the same emotional level. How right she was.
- The second, we really liked the parents but while we were chatting and the boys were playing upstairs, the visiting boy (who is nearly a year older than Jack) swiped our Jack a few times across the face with a hard plastic sword and gave him a cut on his cheek and eyelid. This boy was a tad sullen and aggressive and I'm not sure I want him back but his parents were great and maybe if I watched a bit more closely it might be ok. Jack first of all told me today that he didn't want this kid to come back, but tonight he recanted. We'll see.
- The third play-date was a walk in the park with his buddy Eva - her and him are two peas in a pod and spent their time pretending to camp in makeshift tents in the front room.

We also hosted an impromptu gathering for the Buckeye game with some neighbours, including our 85-year old neighbour with progressive Alzheimer's. He was surprisingly aware of everything and getting most vocal about the game but on his way over here he swayed from the front path and tried to enter our house by scaling the garden fence. God bless him.

Today I had my first lie-in since September and got up at 10.30am (thank you Craig!) I'm not a complete sloth you know - Danny had kept me awake since 5 am crying for his blankie that was in the wash.

It was gorgeous weather today so we've spent a huge chunk of the day outside at the park and then at the zoo tonight.

I think he might be a bit happy!

Now I'm gearing up for our new show "Walking Dead" at 10pm before bed. Just 3 days at work this week then Thanksgiving. Jack has to tell the class tomorrow what he is thankful for. I hope he says "family", and not "English chocolate".

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