Sunday, November 10, 2013

Changing Rooms

Last night I deleted the post about my ghost-hunt on Friday by mistake. I'm so fed-up about that because I wanted it documented. So don't be surprised if you see it pop up again re-written and back dated.

Today we were super productive. We sold the loft bed and thank God we did. We hated it! Ever try changing a fitted sheet on a loft bed? Let me enlighten you - you have to climb the ladder and get on the bed and then try to change it while you are sitting on the bed. Ever try to put a sheet on a mattress you're sitting on? Nightmare. As you can imagine I swore a lot!   And I didn't like that I couldn't sit and read Jack a story and the thing was so big it was obnoxious. Yeah we hated it. Good riddance loft bed.

So we now have a twin bed for Jack. Our neighbours Dave & Pam gave us matching twin beds a couple of weeks ago and we went and bought 2 mattress sets today. We need rails for Danny's yet, but here's the new room set-up, complete with the art work I bought at Jack's school last weekend:

I also re-did our room. Previously we had a flowery green theme, but now it's all Brit. I like it a lot. I think it's safe to assume that I'm homesick and need to go home soon.

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